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Handbook of Evidence-based Psychotherapies: A Guide for Research and Practice  
Freeman, C.; Power, M. (2007). Handbook of Evidence-based Psychotherapies: A Guide for Research and Practice. Chichester: Wiley

Informazioni sulla prima edizione
Autore: Freeman, C.; Power, M.
Titolo: Handbook of Evidence-based Psychotherapies: A Guide for Research and Practice
Anno: 2007
Editore: Wiley, Chichester

Informazioni sull'edizione in possesso della Scuola
Edizione: 2007, Prima Edizione
Pagine: 500 pp.
ISBN (10): 0471498203
ISBN (13): 9780471498209

Informazioni sul contenuto
Argomento: Psicoterapia

Presentazione: At a time when healthcare organisations are increasingly emphasising the need for evidence-based interventions, this comprehensive and timely handbook provides an up-to-date overview of the current evidence-base for psychological therapies and major psychological disorders. The Handbook of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies takes a pluralistic approach, covering cognitive and behavioural therapies as well as counselling and humanistic approaches. Internationally-renowned experts guide the reader through the latest research, taking a critical overview of each practice’s strengths and weaknesses. Specific therapies and disorder chapters are interspersed between a general introduction and critique of issues for the evidence-base, and a final chapter provides an overview for the future. Overall, the book provides a unique summary of the principles of evidence-based therapies, together with the major disorders with which they have been evaluated. The Handbook of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies will be invaluable to psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychology and psychiatric trainees, and other professions using psychotherapy as part of their clinical practice.

Info aggiuntive: Scheda dettagliata su IBS

Informazioni sul prestito
Copie disponibili: 1
Identificativo: 941
Ubicazione: Viale Gramsci 22
Richiesta: Il libro è al momento disponibile e può essere richiesto per il prestito.

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