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Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis  
Prochaska, J.; Norcross, J. C. (2007). Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing

Informazioni sulla prima edizione
Autore: Prochaska, J.; Norcross, J. C.
Titolo: Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis
Anno: 2007
Editore: Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont

Informazioni sull'edizione in possesso della Scuola
Edizione: 2007, Quinta Edizione
Pagine: 219 pp.
ISBN (10): 1428813241

Informazioni sul contenuto
Argomento: Psicoterapia

Presentazione: Systematic, comprehensive, and balanced, this stimulating book helps readers understand a wide variety of therapies including psychoanalytic, Adlerian, existential, person-centered, gestalt, interpersonal, exposure, behavioral, cognitive, systemic and integrative. The book provides an integrative framework that embraces both the essential similarities and the fundamental differences among the psychotherapies. The authors explore each system's theory of personality, theory of psychopathology, resulting therapeutic process and relationship. By doing so, Prochaska and Norcross demonstrate how much psychotherapy systems agree on the processes producing change while disagreeing on the content that needs to be changed. The limitations, practicalities and outcome research of each psychotherapy are also presented to bring both the similarities and differences to life.

Info aggiuntive: Scheda dettagliata su IBS

Informazioni sul prestito
Copie disponibili: 1
Identificativo: 949
Ubicazione: Viale Gramsci 22
Richiesta: Il libro č al momento disponibile e puņ essere richiesto per il prestito.

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